Topic: Aasen
» Publications - books
» Publications - articles & chapters
The Logic of Language and Nation in the Emergence of Nynorsk, in Theodor Barth and Magnus Enzell (eds.) Collective Identity and Citizenship in Europe. Fields of Access and Exclusion, Oslo/Jerusalem: ARENA/Van Leer Institute, Report No. 3.
Ivar Aasen, «det norske» og «det europeiske» (Ivar Aasen, ‘the Norwegian’ and ‘the European’), with Arne Apelseth & Odd Monsson, Jarle Sulebust (ed.) Tidsskrift for Sunnmøre Historielag (Journal for the Sunnmøre History Club), No. 72.
Ivar Aasens (att)skaping av det europeiske (Ivar Aasen’s (Re)creation of the European), Syn & Segn, no. 102. 4.