Falske motsetninger: Hvordan skal vi forstå makt? (False oppositions: How are we to understand power?)
Aftenposten, 13 October, 2005
Falske motsetninger: Hvordan skal vi forstå makt? (False oppositions: How are we to understand power?)
Aftenposten, 13 October, 2005
Maktens begrep, begrepets makt (The concept of Power and the power of the concept), in Iver B. Neumann & Inger-Johanne Sand (eds.), Maktens strateger, Oslo: Pax Forlag.
In Service of Narrative. Master and Slave in Hegel’s Philosophy’ in Renate Schülte (ed.) Narratives of the Servant, Florence, European University Institute.
On the Necessity and the Impossibility of a European Cultural Identity, in J. Peter Burgess, (ed.) Cultural Politics and Political Culture in Postmodern Europe, Amsterdam/Atlanta, Georgia. Rodopi.