Publications - articles & chapters


Value, security and temporality in Nietzsche’s critique of modernity

The sociological review, 60(4) 2012, 696-714.

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Dialectical constitutionalism?
in John Erik Fossum and Agustín José Menéndez (eds.), A Multitude of Constitutions? European Constitutional Pluralism in Question. Oslo: ARENA, 76-82.
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The Lisbon Treaty: Europe’s Changing Security Landscape, The Fair Observer, 15 October. Link here.


The Human Security Tale of Two Europes. Geopoltics. 24(4) (with Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh).

La nouvelle éthique politique de la sécurité, Ethiques et économiques 7(20)


Begby & Burgess (2009) Human security and liberal peace, Public Reason (1)1: 91-104.
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The New Nomos of Europe, Geopolitics 14(1): 135-160.

What is security culture? The new ethos of risk

There is no European security, only European securities, Cooperation and conflict 44(3): 309-328.

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The ethical challenges of human security in the age of globalisation, Rethinking Human Security: 49-64.

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Modernity and Political Culture: Ulrich Beck’s Theory of a Cosmopolitan Europe, in Ekavi Athanassopoulou (ed.) United in Diversity? European Integration and Political Cultures, London / New York: Tauris: 51-67.

Security and Insecurity in the European Community of Values, in Krassimir Y. Nikolov (ed.) Adapting to Integration in an Enlarged Europe. Volume I: Adapting Key Policies in the European Union. Sofia: BECSA.

Critical Assessment of Communication from the European Parliament and the Council Concerning Terrorist Recruitment – Addressing the Factors Contributing to Violent Radicalisation, in Didier Bigo and Anastassia Tsoukala (eds.) Controlling Security, Paris, Harmattan/Centre d’études sur les conflits: 133-144.


Social Values and Material Threat. The European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection, International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 3(3/4): 471-487.

The evolution of European Union law and Carl Schmitt’s theory of the nomos of Europe, in Louiza Odysseos and Fabio Petito (eds.) The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt. Terror, liberal war and the crisis of global order, London: Routledge: 185-201.

The Ethical Core of the Nation-State: Zizek’s Contribution to the Nationalism Debate in Ethics, Nationalism and Just War: Medieval and Contemporary Perspectives, Gregory Reichberg & Henrik Syse (eds.), Washington: Catholic University of America Press: 372-384.

Securitizing Water: A Case Study of the Indus Water Basin (unpublished)


Non-military Security Challenges, in Craig A. Snyder (ed.) Contemporary Security and Strategy, London, Palgrave.


Det barnslige: Om forskning og rettigheter (Childishness: On research and rights), Barn 4: 65-74.

Dialektischer Kosmopolitismus (Dialectical Cosmopolitanism), Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen, 2: 255-260.

The Ethical Transformation of Risk, in Values in Decisions On Risk (VALDOR) 2006 Proceedings, Stockholm, VALDOR.


Simmel and the Federalist Vision: Between Cultural and Economic Value, in Jean-Christophe Merle. (ed.) Globalisering der Öffentlichkeit? Berlin, Akademie Verlag.

Editors’ Introduction to a Special Section on the Report of the UN High-Level Panel, (with Robert Piper), Security Dialogue 36(3): 361-363.

The Legitimacy of War in the Age of Globalisation: EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy, Jean-Christophe Merle, (ed.) Globalisering der Öffentlichkeit? Berlin, Akademie Verlag.


The Ambivalence of the National: Jakob Aall and Dano-Norwegian Identity, Nations and Nationalism 10(4): 619-637.

Editors’ Introduction: What is ‘Human Security?’, (with Taylor Owen) Security Dialogue 35(4): 345-346.

Media, Peace and Conflict, Transformator 3(2) 2004: 82-88.

The Ethics of Security, in Alessandro Gobbicchi (ed.) Globalization, Uncertainty, New Prospects, Roma: Centro militare di Studi Strategici.

The Religious Site in Civil Space: Meaning and Function of the Temple Mount/al-Haram al-Sharif, Social Identities 3/2004: 311-323.


Culture and the Rationality of Law from Weimar to Maastricht, in Christian Joerges & Navrai Singh Ghaleig (eds.) Darker Legacies of Law in Europe. The Shadow of National Socialism and Fascism over Europe and its Legal Traditions, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2003, 143-166.

Den opplyste romantikken og den romantiske opplysningen (Enlightened Romanticism and Romantic Enlightenment), in J. Peter Burgess (red.), Den norske pastorale opplysningen. Nye perspektiver på norsk historiografi (The Norwegian Pastoral Enlightenment: New Perspectives on Norwegian Historiography), Oslo, Abstrakt Forlag.

Introduction: Europe without the Myth of Europe, in J. Peter Burgess (ed.) Museum Europa: The European Cultural Heritage between Economics and Politics, Kristiansand: Norwegian Academic Press.

Introduction: Europe without the Myth of Europe, in J. Peter Burgess (red.) Den norske pastorale opplysningen. Nye perspektiver på norsk historiografi (The Norwegian Pastoral Enlightenment: New Perspectives on Norwegian Historiography), Oslo, Abstrakt Forlag.

The Ambivalence of the National. Dano-Norwegian Identity through the Eyes of Jacob Aall 1799-1814, preface to Jen Johan Hyvik, Fædrelandske Ideer’. Jacob Aalls nasjonsforståelse 1799-1814, Kristiansand, Høyskoleforlag.Download

Som det egentlig var? Det egne og det andre i 1800-tallets kulturhistoriografi (As it actually was? The selfsame and the other in 19th Century cultural historiography), (with Frode Helland), in Bjarne Hodne & Randi Sæbøe (eds.), Kulturforskning, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget: 19–28.

The Politics of the South China Sea: Territoriality and International Law’ Security Dialogue 34(1).

The Abduction of ‘The Abduction of Europa’, in J. Peter Burgess (ed.) Museum Europa: The European Cultural Heritage between Economics and Politics, Kristiansand: Norwegian Academic Press.


Cultural Semiotics and New Norwegian Written Culture. A Response to Kjell Lars Berge, in J. Peter Burgess & Odd Monsson (eds.) Nation, Modernity, Written Culture, Kristiansand. Norwegian Academic Press: 77-84.

The Foundation for a New Consensus on Humanitarian Intervention, Security Dialogue 33(3): 383-384.

Nation and Language at the Frontier of National Culture, (with Odd Monsson), in J. Peter Burgess & Odd Monsson (eds.) Nation, Modernity, Written Culture, Kristiansand. Norwegian Academic Press, 11-14.

The Foundation for a New Consensus on Humanitarian Intervention, Security Dialogue, 33(3): 383-384.

Språk og agon. Det kommunikative motstandsmomentet i kollektiv sjølvkonstituering (Language and agon. The communicative moment of resistance in collective self-constitution, in Svein Bjørkås (ed.) Kulturpolitikk og forskningsformidling II, Individ, identitet og kulturell erfaring (Cultural politics and research dissemination II. Individual, Identity and cultural experience), Kristiansand, Norwegian Academic Press: 215-233.

What’s so European about the European Union? Legitimacy between Institution and Identity, European Journal of Social Theory, 5(4): 465-479.


Identitet og mangfald. Den norske, den skandinaviske og den europeiske (Identity and Plurality. The Norwegian, the Scandinavian, and the European), in Den europeiske identiteten og den skandinaviske (European and Scandinavian Identity) (with Svein Ivar Angel & Bo Stråth). Volda, Høgskulen i Volda.

Money and Political Economy: From the Werner Plan to the Delors Report and Beyond, (with Bo Stråth) in Bo Stråth & Lars Magnusson, From the Werner Plan to the EMU: The Economic-Political Embedding of Labour Markets between Europe and the Nation in Historical View, Brussels: P.U.I.

Encyclopedic Europe, Security Dialogue 32(3): 375-376.
Encyclopedic Europe. Reference review

Minor Writings on Visual Art and Literature, Notat. Volda: Høgskulen i Volda.


Coal, Steel and Spirit. The Double Reading of European Unity (1948-50), in Bo Stråth (ed.), Europe and the Other and Europe as the Other, Brussels: P.I.E./Piper.

Maktens begrep, begrepets makt (The concept of Power and the power of the concept), in Iver B. Neumann & Inger-Johanne Sand (eds.), Maktens strateger, Oslo: Pax Forlag.

Meaning and Science in Weimar: Crisis and the Cultural Foundations of Reason, Working paper, Florence: European University Institute.

Trois piliers de la pensée de force et résistance: Héraclite, Aristote, Shelling (Three pillars of the Thought of Force and Resistance: Heraclites, Aristotle, Schelling), Notat. Volda: Volda University College skriftserie.

In Service of Narrative. Master and Slave in Hegel’s Philosophy’ in Renate Schülte (ed.) Narratives of the Servant, Florence, European University Institute.

Fremtidens nåtid: Vestens fremtidsforståelse (The Presence of the Future: The Western Conception of the Future) Notat. Volda: Volda University College skriftserie.


The Logic of Language and Nation in the Emergence of Nynorsk, in Theodor Barth and Magnus Enzell (eds.) Collective Identity and Citizenship in Europe. Fields of Access and Exclusion, Oslo/Jerusalem: ARENA/Van Leer Institute, Report No. 3.


On the Necessity and the Impossibility of a European Cultural Identity, in J. Peter Burgess, (ed.) Cultural Politics and Political Culture in Postmodern Europe, Amsterdam/Atlanta, Georgia. Rodopi.

Preface, in J. Peter Burgess (ed.) Cultural Politics and Political Culture in Postmodern Europe, Amsterdam/Atlanta, Georgia. Rodopi.

Law and Cultural Identity, Oslo, ARENA Working Papers.


Ivar Aasen, «det norske» og «det europeiske» (Ivar Aasen, ‘the Norwegian’ and ‘the European’), with Arne Apelseth & Odd Monsson, Jarle Sulebust (ed.) Tidsskrift for Sunnmøre Historielag (Journal for the Sunnmøre History Club), No. 72.

Ivar Aasens (att)skaping av det europeiske (Ivar Aasen’s (Re)creation of the European), Syn & Segn, no. 102. 4.

Kraft og motstand i Verdenshistorien (Force and Resistance in World History), in Jakob Dahl Rendtorff (ed.) Indivdets genkomst i litteratur, filosofi og samfundsteori (The return of the individual in litearture, philosophy and social theory), Copenhagen: Nordisk Sommeruniversitetets Press.


Sistemann: Fukuyama og historiens slutt (The Last Man: Fukyama and the End of History), Samtiden, No. 2, 1995.

… a serenity of still and exquisite brilliance…’: Technology and Subjectivity in Christa Wolf’s Störfal, in Theo D’Haen (ed.). Narrative Turns and Minor Genres in Postmodernism, Amsterdam/Atlanta, Georgia: Rodopi.


Diplomatics, The Candian Journal of Political and Social Theory, Volume 17(3).

European Borders: History of Space/Space of History, The Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory Volume 17, numbers 1-2.

Europeisk historie og grensens begrep (European history and Concept of the Border, in Ola Tunander (ed.) Europa og Muren: Om ‘den andre’, gränslandet och historiens återkomst i 90-talets Europa, Copenhagen: Nordisk Sommeruniversitets Skriftserie.