Latest News

Resilience and the dialogue of values
UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
Sendai, Japan, 14-18 March

What is security? Historical and conceptual frameworks for security research
Center for Security and Society, University of Freiburg, 25 June

Security with and for Society Advisory Group
European Commission, Brussels, 16 June

The Politics of Exile
Seminar on Elizabeth Dauphinee’s Politics of Exile, with tha author, Naeem Inayatullah, Himadeep Muppidi, and Katie Hite. Vassar College, 15 November.
Trust as a proxy of certainty
Presentation at the Transatlantic science week conference, Washington, 12 November
Presentation slides here

CORE project workshop, New Delhi, November 11.
Presentation on The state and social justice.
Audio here.
Security as ethics (in German)
Keynote address to the conference Sichere Zeiten, hosted by the German Ministry of Research and Education.
Text in German here
Audio in German here

Terrorism and responsibility (in Norwegian)
Keynote address to the annual research conference of the Norwegian Police College.
Text in Norwegian here
Audio in Norwegian here

SECILE Kick-off meeting (Legitimacy and effectiveness of legal measures against security threats)
Durham, U.K., 21 May 2013

Op-ed. Politics of regret gives no guarantees Aftenposten, 18 April, 2013 (in Norwegian)
available here. Google translate version here

Annual conference of the International Studies Association, San Francisco 2-5 April.
Current information and programme available here.
Awarded the Bergesen’s Prize for the Common Good. PRIO anouncement here.

CATO project consortium meeting and General Assembly, Portsmouth, England, 14 March, 2013.

Participating in a panel discussion on Horizon 2020 at SRE, Madrid, 13 March, 2013

First meeting of the ADVISE project’s Advisory Board, Rome, 12 March, 2012.

Meeting of the NATO Independent Scientific Evaluation Group, Brussels, 8 March, 2013.

Interview on EKKO about cultural differences in security expectations, 1 March, 2013 (in Norwegian).
EKKO interview

CORE project stakeholder workhop, Guwahati, India, 26-27 February, 2013.

European Commission, FP7 Space Research Programme ethics screening, Brussels, 11-14 February.

ETTIS project stock-taking workshop, Stockholm, 5-6 February.

Subjectivity, vulnerability and temporality: The accusation
Living in Surveillance Societies workshop on Time and security, Lund, 31 January, 2013.
Download speaking notes here

Dagsnytt 18 appearance surrounding ‘The bureaucratization of terrorism’, 25 January, 2013 (in Norwegian).
Dagsnytt 18 debate.

Terrorismens byråkratisering (The Bureaucratization of Terrorism) in Morgenbladet, 25 January, 2013.
Read here. (Google translation here).

Qi2S project kick-off meeting, Tel Aviv, 23-24 January, 2013.

Learning by doing – making interdisciplinarity work, speech, Brussels, 15 January, 2013.
Conference webpage
The conference proceedings can be downloaded here.

Value, security and temporality in Nietzsche’s critique of modernity
The sociological review, 60(4) 2012, 696-714.
Access here.
Modernité et obselence du concept de sécurité énergétique
Cahiers de la sécurité, No. 21, 29-38
Access here.

Destination Europe, San Francisco, 6-7 December
The societal impact of security research
PRIO Brief 9/2012
Download here
Dialectical constitutionalism?
in John Erik Fossum and Agustín José Menéndez (eds.), A Multitude of Constitutions? European Constitutional Pluralism in Question. Oslo: ARENA, 76-82.
Download here
Digital Enlightenment Forum, Luxembourg, 18-19 June
Nordic states and societal security, Stavanger, Norway, 25 May
CORE mid-term conference, Varanasi, India, 18-19 March
CATO project meeting, Tel Aviv, 27-29 February
European Commission: proposal screening, Brussels, 13-17 February
PERSEUS project management meeting, Madrid, 1-2 February

A Threat against Europe? Security, Migration, Integration, with Serge Gutwirth (eds.) Brussels: VUB Press.
Available here
CORE project meeting, New Delhi
(Cultures of Governance and Conflict Resolution in Europe and India)

Video lecture: Ten years of terror, University of Leeds, Histories of Violence project. Link here

The Ethical Subject of Security: Geopolitical Rationalities and the Threat against Europe. London: Routledge.
Available here

The Human Security Tale of Two Europes, Geopoltics. 24(4) (with Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh).
Access here